"Your children are not your children; they are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself." 

Khalil Gibran

Inner Communication with Children 

Verbal communication is a beautiful way of connecting with others. And yet, finer nuances are, more often than not, lost on us when we rely on words alone. In this workshop, I will gently introduce you to a deeper form of communication. 

Charles Eisenstein once wrote, 'To be truly seen and heard, to be truly known, is a deep human need.' Inner Communication allows you to commune with the soul of another and thus makes them feel 'truly seen'. 

This different line of communication has been invaluable to me for the past 12 years. Not only did it add another level to the connection with my daughter, but it enriched all of my inter-human encounters. Often, I am surprised at the message shared or the depth of connection forged. Conversing with another's soul makes me appreciate a different dimension of communication. Through it, we can learn more about others as well as ourselves. 

We meet on Saturday, July 20th, at 10 am 

The workshop will take about 2 hours and will be held here*:

Your contribution: £28 

If you have any questions, please contact me on:  07561117876 or [email protected]

Please bring something to drink for yourself, as well as a cushion to sit on and a blanket to make yourself cosy. We'll be in a beautiful teepee (and will have a fire should the weather be asking for it). 

For parking, you follow the track past the turn where it says Reception, all the way down to where you can see greenhouses on your right. You can use the carpark to the right hand side. 

Gweek Campsite is a beautiful location. I Iook forward to seeing you there.

Much love, 

*Unfortunately the site is not easily accessible for people with mobility issues 


This page is a kind of BLOG. Here is where I share my insights on parenting and on how I love being both: a mother and a healer. 
Enjoy reading



Receiving in love

When a soul decides to incarnate, their transition into our physical realm is intense. The passage into life is one of various stages and high impact on the person’s future life. All of us choose their destination at the moment of conception. We are attracted to our parents and the circumstances we will be born into. And most meaningful, each of us has a unique personality, as well as specific gifts and features which we bring along with us. Therefore it is so very important that a new soul is welcomed most lovingly, with hearts that are open to their gifts and their unique “light”.

Babies or children are not just a smaller version of us with a brain that is not yet fully developed. But as grown-ups, we tend to belittle them and make choices for them which they might not ever have approved of in the first place. A baby is as much the possessor of a beautiful soul as any grown person (is) and the biggest favour we can render them, is to carry that awareness into our daily life. 

My daughter has already taught me a tremendous amount of things in the 7 years that we have been together and I am sure there is yet a lot more to come.